
Waheyyyyy… it’s that special someone’s birthday todayyyyy! Confetti, balloons, and decorations to celebrate one of the best days of the year to the max. There’s nothing better than the hundreds of adventures, unforgettable trips to crack up laughing, or celebrating birthdays together. So it’s time to make sure every little detail is good enough for that special someone who is has that gift of being able to cheer you up (and even on Monday mornings), who gets you up and moving (even dancing) on those days when you feel like not even a crane could lift you off the sofa, who manages to cheers you up instantly, and who always gives you the biggest smile. And so, they’re not missing anything on their birthday, we’ve designed a fantastic card that we’re sure they’ll love. Inside you’ll find our most dance-crazy card which can’t wait to partaaay. Out of all of the collection, this is the most party-ready card thanks to its out-there embossed characters dancing the conga and covered in golden glitter features. Write your best wishes in it and get ready to dance until the sun comes up and split your sides laughing. Let’s go! < /p>

12 x 18 cm

Coated paper card with embossed characters and covered in golden glitter features. includes envelope.


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